Every time I watch this video I feel happy and a bit excited, it is very special to me. One part of it is subjective, the memory of the whole evening and the experience I had in that particular moment. The other part, the moment music triggers social behaviour in a split second, is just intriguing to me! I watched it in person, and on the video dozens of times, and I can watch it over and over again. I'm feeling so close to grasping the essence of it, but then it escapes again as it doesn't want to be owned.
I look at this video as a dual between two drummers but also one big conversation between two individuals and a group of people. To put it closer let's say that it consists of three parts. Part one is dual between two individuals, invisible communication of music. There is no verbal language but everyone understands sent messages. When these messages reach their top that's where the second part begins. The second part is just a second, maybe not even that long, because the second part is that invisible essential moment that triggers everyone. In a blink of an eye, all the drums are occupied by musicians and the crowd is jumping. That precious moment is something I can't get enough of. Looking at all of those people enchanted by the power of sound, music and social gathering. The power of music is already more or less known, but looking at the power of a group, of human basic social behaviour is what leaves me speechless. That is where the third part comes when everyone is synchronized and even people who were not paying attention to the duel are suddenly taken by the group.
This is one of the examples of what I like to call 'Social behaviour triggered by human senses', and at the same time great representation of non-verbal communication.
Let me start with a definition:
Communication refers to the transmission of a message from a sender to a receiver. Communication thus requires three things: a message, a sender, and a receiver.
Drum conversation
For me communication is everything that is happening around us, everyone is constantly sending some kind of message conscious subconscious, direct, indirect, with humans, or with other species but also with ourselves.
I was going through this topic a lot, thinking for a long time that my thesis is on communication and interaction. As I started to go deeper into the topic messier it started to be and so broad that easily becomes confusing and hard to grasp. When I look behind now, narrowing those topics bit by bit took me where I am today.
In the notes, it's easy to see (or maybe not) similarities, differences and connections between topics that are forming one big picture. Every one of these notes is one of my interests, therefore this is a big picture of the diversity of my mind and problematic of focusing on one straight point. Trying to merge them made it even worse and more confusing.
Going through my works I can find segments of communication in each of them. Either through direct sensorial one, performative, interactive... as my works are in general experience-based important part is the audience which then directly communicate with the environment, artwork or the artist, therefore good communication between the artwork and the audience is crucial.
One big interest in the field of communication is social behaviour triggered by sensorial experiences, wherein most of these situations are actually triggered by other people.
These videos are representations of my thoughts on the basic human need - socialisation.
As much as I didn't want to mention the Corona pandemic in my thesis I had to refer to the actual situation which was shaping my thoughts. People may call it reckless, dangerous, irresponsible... but as I was looking at these secret parties in the time of curfew it made me happy to see how strong that need to be part of something or being present in the moment with other bodies is important and necessary as a basic need of a human being. People trying to forbid socialising with other people seemed almost satirical. Everyone pretending to be a good citizen who follows the rules, but behind the eyes of the public, everyone had their little illegal social circle.
To me, the joy of being among other people is the power of communication.
Social groups
Food has always been a place of gathering and sharing. Every event, feast, celebration includes food and drinks. Maybe even more important than just eating food together is cooking together. The process of making, collaboration and common effort makes people closer together.
I am a person who loves to cook and to eat, having a well-prepared meal is very important to me.
When I cook for other people I share as much food as I have and do not ask for anything in return. Asking money for food you prepared as a host in my eyes is very rude, or having someone to pay you for hosting them in their house is disrespectful.
I assume it is a cultural thing.
In the video, we were celebrating orthodox easter. As we, who are orthodox, come from the Balkan peninsula our traditions are kind of similar, and therefore there is a shared understanding of having a feast.

I had an interesting conversation with a friend from Turkey.
We were drinking and as I brought Gin with me I offered him some. He started to thank me constantly what confused me. I wasn't sure if he was in the Netherlands for too long or what was going on but I kept telling him that it is ok, it's just a gin. When there is a drink, drink it, share it, when it is gone it is gone.
He knew what I was talking about.
He was trying to explain to me this feeling of joy of celebration he was nostalgic about, but he couldn't find the words to explain it, neither did I but I knew what he was talking about.
Even now the phrase 'joy of celebration' is not the right expression. Closest to what he was trying to explain was: imagine if there is no tomorrow and you are just drinking and singing and dancing and everyone are and everyone are up because screw this world and screw everything else. It could sound like any drunk party you can find in the world but I could understand the background of it. It wasn't a random party. It is the feeling of nostalgia, at the same time melancholy and joy entangled between people. Something that is felt among people from a certain history and tradition. Home I guess.